Film à voir !

Infos supplémentaires

Dennis Sawyer

Acteur dans

A participé à

  • Canada Vignettes: Wop May
  • Sable Island
  • Jim Decker's Party
  • Who Were the Ones?
  • The Children of Fogo Island
  • Where There's Smoke
  • Haida Carver
  • Robert Baldwin: A Matter Of Principle
  • War II: Total War
  • Sons of Haji Omar
  • A Wedding and Party
  • The Mercer Family
  • A Woman's Place
  • When I Go - That's It!
  • Billy Crane Moves Away
  • Andrew Britt at Shoal Bay
  • The Merchant and the Teacher
  • The Founding of the Co-operatives
  • McGraths at Home and Fishing
  • Jim Decker Builds a Longliner
  • The Songs of Chris Cobb
  • Citizen Discussions
  • Thoughts on Fogo and Norway
  • The Story of the Up Top
  • Some Problems of Fogo
  • Dan Roberts on Fishing
  • Joe Kinsella on Education
  • William Wells Talks About The Island
  • The Fogo Island Improvement Committee
  • Fogo's Expatriates
  • Discussion on Welfare
  • Fishermen's Meeting
  • Brian Earle on Merchants and Welfare
  • Tom Best on Co-operatives
  • Alexander Mackenzie: The Lord of the North
  • The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson
  • Selkirk of Red River
  • The Second Arctic Winter Games
  • The Second Arctic Winter Games
  • L'Île au trésor
  • Introduction to Fogo Island

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