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Acteur dans 10 films

Né(e) le 05 avril 1935

Lieu de naissance
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Mort le 24 mai 1996 (à 61 ans)

Enrique Álvarez Félix

Acteur dans


  • La casa del pelícano


  • El amor tiene cara de mujer
  • El monasterio de los buitres


  • Los perturbados
  • Victoria


  • La primavera de los escorpiones


  • Trampa para un cadáver


  • Los Caifanes


  • Simon du désert
  • Los cuervos están de luto
Enrique Álvarez Félix was born in 1934 in Mexico. He was the son of Mexican actress María Félix and her first husband, Enrique Álvarez Alatorre. When his parents divorced in 1938, his mother lived for a time at home with her own parents until 1939, when she traveled with Enrique to Mexico City. Soon after, her ex-husband took Enrique. He never married, but was a stepson of Jorge Negrete and stepbrother of Diana Negrete. According to Mexican novelist and essayist Carlos Fuentes, Álvarez Félix was purportedly sexually frustrated and had an Oedipus complex. He died from a heart attack on 24 May 1996, aged 61.

9.344 sec