乾隆遊西湖 (1994)

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Titre original :


Durée :

1h 48min

Date de sortie :

December 1994
Réalisé par : Liu Yi-hung
Ecrit par : ,

The story of frivolous and lecherous emperor Qianlong's search for a morally upstanding person is told in a fashion that smartly fuses the puppet proscenium with the conventions of cinematic language. While everything is obviously arranged on a stage, the camera moves freely around in this environment, getting close to the puppets or setting them up in deep focus shots. The result is deeply enchanting, with the puppets soon feeling like living creatures of a very special kind, whose presence and company one cheerfully enjoys.


  • Li Tian-Lu
  • Li Chuan-tsan
  • Wu Jung-chang
  • Huang Chiao-wei

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