ابن الحداد (1944)

Film à voir !
ابن الحداد

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

ابن الحداد

Durée :

1h 35min

Date de sortie :

October 1944
Réalisé par : Youssef Wahby

Taha is the son of a simple worker, but this worker took care of his upbringing until he became an engineer and owner of several factories. Taha married the daughter of one of the pashas, and after his marriage to her it became clear to him the extent of her extreme recklessness and lack of interest in her husband or even her son, and her extreme absorption in a life of entertainment. After Taha loses all his money, he, his wife, and his daughter move to live in a popular area.


  • Youssef Wahby
  • Madiha Yousri
  • Fouad Shafiq
  • Mahmoud El Meligy
  • Mohamed El Deeb

Commentaires / Notes

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