Девочка + Дракон (1983)

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Девочка + Дракон

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Девочка + Дракон

Durée :

0h 9min

Date de sortie :

January 1983
Réalisé par : Yuri Trofimov
Ecrit par : ,

Every evening night came to one small town, and with it - peace and sleep. Only the lamplighter did not sleep - he lit up the city. A little owlet helped him light the lanterns - all the same, owls do not sleep at night. And in the morning, the main person in the city - the mayor - made sure that the lamplighter put out all the lights on time - after all, it was already light during the day. In the morning the lamplighter was resting, and the owlet flew to sleep on the roof, and every time he woke Drakosha up. Drakosha was a dragon and lived in a garbage can.


  • Алексей Баталов

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