Abu Zayd al-Hilali (1947)

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Abu Zayd al-Hilali

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Abu Zayd al-Hilali

Date de sortie :

January 1947
Ecrit et réalisé par : Ezz Eldin Zulficar

Abu Zayd al-Hilali's son and wife escape and years later, after his son has grown into a powerful and idealistic man, a battle between the two tribes starts. The son fights his father but is not aware who he is fighting. The Banu Hilalis defeat the Banu Zahlanis. Back home, Abu Zayd is greeted as a hero. A huge war then starts with the Zirids, who had abandoned Shiism. The Banu Hilalis weaken the Zirid state and plunder their lands.


  • Faten Hamama
  • Serag Mounir

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Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE