Azusa Street: The Movie (2006)

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Azusa Street: The Movie

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Azusa Street: The Movie

Durée :

6h 0min

Date de sortie :

December 2006
Réalisé par : Michael Meyer

The actual written and/or testimonies of many of the major participants in the Topeka Outpouring (Parham, Ozman, etc.) and Welsh Revival (Evan Roberts, Meyer, etc.), as preludes to the Bonnie Brae Outbreak (Seymour, Lee, Shumway, Moore) and the Azusa Street Revival (C.H. Mason, E.S. Williams, G.B. Cashwell, John G. Lake, F.F. Bosworth, etc.) are dramatized


  • Peter Tahoe
  • Kim Estes
  • Robert Easton

Commentaires / Notes

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