Banzo (2023)

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Titre original :


Durée :

2h 7min

Date de sortie :

April 2023
Ecrit et réalisé par : Margarida Cardoso

1907. Afonso starts life anew on a tropical island of the African coast as a doctor on a cocoa plantation. He will have to cure a group of servants “infected” by a disease known as Banzo, the nostalgia of the slaves. They are dying by the dozens, from starvation or suicide. By fear that this deep nostalgia is contagious, the group is sent to an isolated and rainy hill, surrounded by the forest. There, Afonso tries to cure the servants, but his inability to understand their soul proves to be stronger than all the solutions.


  • Carloto Cotta
  • Gonçalo Waddington
  • Rúben Simões
  • Marcello Urgeghe

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