Die Vertreibung der Elefanten (2017)

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Die Vertreibung der Elefanten

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Titre original :

Die Vertreibung der Elefanten

Durée :

0h 17min

Date de sortie :

January 2017
Réalisé par : Steve Bache
Ecrit par :

The life of the station attendants Alfons and Bruno is characterized by an everyday routine that they carry out with pedantic thoroughness. Even though no passengers have come for years, they have never failed to sound the hourly warning signals. One day, when a group of traveling musicians show up in front of the ticket counter, Alfons' beloved order is thrown into disarray. Bruno, on the other hand, finds pleasure in the lusty life of the musicians and begins to question the rules of the station.


  • Fritz Roth
  • Georg Tryphon
  • Dominik Weber

Commentaires / Notes

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