El día que murió Gracia Imperio (2013)

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El día que murió Gracia Imperio

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Titre original :

El día que murió Gracia Imperio

Date de sortie :

January 2013
Réalisé par : Francesc Betriu

On November 1, 1968 were found dead bodies of two people, a man and a woman in apartment number 13 of the C / Cuenca 78, Valencia. She was Emilia Catalina Arguelles, better known as Gracia Imperio. The news of his death had a big impact on the city, as it was an artist of great triumphs in Spain, but mainly in the city of Valencia. 40 years later, is an investigation of the facts by witnesses and friends of the victims to try to clear up the mystery surrounding the case of death of the famous starlet and her young lover, while analyzing the social conditions of the time.

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