Flood: To The Sea (2017)

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Flood: To The Sea

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Flood: To The Sea

Durée :

0h 30min

Date de sortie :

August 2017
Réalisé par : Alan Lane
Ecrit par :

One day it starts to rain and no-one knows why. And it doesn’t stop. Far out on the North Sea a fisherman raises a girl in his net, miraculously alive from the deep sea. Is she one of the migrants now washing up on English shores? Or someone sent for some higher purpose? Set in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event, which has seen England engulfed by water, this play asks a simple question: what if the fleeing masses from our TV screens and Twitter feeds, in their boats and their orange lifejackets, had English accents?

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