Kreitserova sonata (1914)

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Kreitserova sonata

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Kreitserova sonata

Durée :

0h 42min

Date de sortie :

November 1914
Réalisé par : Vladimir Gardin
Ecrit par : ,

The Kreutzer Sonata is based on a novella by Leo Tolstoy, named after Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata. The work is an argument for the ideal of sexual abstinence and an in-depth first-person description of jealous rage. The main character, Pozdnyshev, relates the events leading up to his killing his wife.


  • Boris Orsky
  • Lidiya Sychyova
  • Mikhail Tamarov

Commentaires / Notes

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