Less Human Than Human (2018)

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Less Human Than Human

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Less Human Than Human

Durée :

0h 57min

Date de sortie :

May 2018
Réalisé par : Aaron Stielstra

In the hillbilly town of Cortez Heights, a drug cult kidnaps an innocent hippie--and all hell breaks loose. Two detectives Lupo and Fabrizio must break the case without first killing their bloated, alcoholic (and bisexual) boss Commissioner Peterson. Meanwhile, a serial killer depletes the population with no concerns for the dignity of his victims, be they fraternity brothers or prostitutes. Soon, the abominations multiply in an unforgettable climax of bloodshed and sexual awakening. Will the citizens of Cortez Heights survive? Or will both innocent and criminal alike become...less human than human.


  • Aaron Stielstra
  • Michael Fredianelli

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