Megami Tengoku (1995)

Film à voir !
Megami Tengoku

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Megami Tengoku

Durée :

1h 0min

Date de sortie :

June 1995

To preserve the peaceful times of Paradise, the Astrostar must be cleansed by the Mamamega. This person is defended by her shrine maidens. Lilith has been selected to be a shrine maiden, and is given the task to select the other two. This goes awry when the young girl Rurubell wants to become one and others work from the shadows to sabotage both the cleansing and the coronation ceremony.


  • 緒方恵美
  • 椎名へきる
  • Yuri Shiratori
  • 井上喜久子

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