Oliver Cromwell: Traitor or Liberator? (1998)

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Oliver Cromwell: Traitor or Liberator?

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Oliver Cromwell: Traitor or Liberator?

Durée :

0h 48min

Date de sortie :

June 1998
Ecrit et réalisé par : Bob Carruthers

Few historical characters have courted controversy as much as Oliver Cromwell: murderer of a monarch or revolutionary hero? From humble beginnings he rose to lead an army that would overthrow the British monarchy and gain himself the title of 'Lord Protector'. With comment from Tony Benn MP, this DVD examines the religious and political turmoil that would propel Cromwell to the pinnacle of his power, throw England into two civil wars and see Charles I sent to the block!


  • Graham McTavish

Commentaires / Notes

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