One Man’s War (2021)

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One Man’s War

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Titre original :

One Man’s War

Durée :

0h 57min

Date de sortie :

July 2021
Réalisé par : Li Binyuan

A large room. On a scene a pile of hammers. 301 to be precise. A man enters, gloved handed. He grabs a hammer and breaks another with it. And so on until the whole but one has been destroyed. Here is the show: simple and tedious, slow and of long term. Easy to understand: it is all about work. Li Binyuan as a modern Sysyphus: obvious endeavor, paradoxical glory of this vain task, work returned on and against itself. Now another operation, as destructive, remains open: interpretation.

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Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE