Para Lota (2024)

Film à voir !
Para Lota

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Para Lota

Durée :

1h 35min

Date de sortie :

June 2024
Réalisé par : Bruno Safadi, Ricardo Pretti

In the 1950s, in Rio de Janeiro, Lota Macedo Soares married the American poet Elizabeth Bishop. A few years later, Carlos Lacerda, a friend of Lota's, became governor of Guanabara and invited her to create a park where a 7-kilometer landfill had been built. Flamengo Park would become the second largest urban park in the world.


  • Mariana Ximenes
  • Leandra Leal

Commentaires / Notes

Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE