Red Pill (2021)

Film à voir !
Red Pill

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Red Pill

Durée :

1h 27min

Date de sortie :

March 2021
Réalisé par : Tonya Pinkins

Set over Halloween weekend 2020, this political thriller follows six friends as they head into "red" country to canvas white women to vote. They are armed with idealism and determination, but they should have brought heavy artillery. As they explore the creepy house they booked for the weekend distressing clues indicate that they should get out of there, but they decide to stay. They should have brought heavy artillery.


  • Kathryn Erbe
  • Rubén Blades
  • Tonya Pinkins

Commentaires / Notes

Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE