Salah Pencet (1992)

Film à voir !
Salah Pencet

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Titre original :

Salah Pencet

Durée :

1h 20min

Date de sortie :

October 1992
Réalisé par : Arizal
Ecrit par :

Kadir and Doyok never have any luck. They always get fired from any job they take. Most recently, Kadir and Doyok had been working at a company owned by the father of Lola (Diah Permatasari), but were going to be fired by the new owner, Abud (Fuad Alkhar), who had taken over the company. Kadir-Doyok then asked Lola why her father had sold the company to Abud, and it turns out that Abud had conned her father. Kadir and Doyok then try to expose the fraud. They succeed mostly because they happen to intercept a phone call meant for Abud.


  • Doyok Sudarmadji
  • Kadir
  • Kiki Fatmala
  • Fuad Alkhar
  • Diah Permatasari
  • Ida Gedes

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