Satu Malam Dua Cinta (1978)

Film à voir !
Satu Malam Dua Cinta

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Satu Malam Dua Cinta

Durée :

1h 29min

Date de sortie :

January 1978
Réalisé par : Usman Effendy
Ecrit par : ,

The film tells a story about a woman who manages to overcome the mischievous behavior of her student and also his father, who is left by his wife. The father’s remaining love for his wife complicates their relationship


  • Widyawati Sophiaan
  • Fadly
  • Santi Sardi
  • August Melasz
  • Yati Octavia

Commentaires / Notes

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