SMS: Suka Ma Suka (2009)

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SMS: Suka Ma Suka

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Titre original :

SMS: Suka Ma Suka

Date de sortie :

March 2009
Réalisé par : Encep Masduki
Ecrit par :

When Rezky, a reporter, is late for work, he is reprimanded so terribly that he decides to find a flat near the office so he won't be late again. Then Rezky meets Wisnu, a photographer, in the same taxi when both are house hunting. They are interested in Aunt Ria's apartment but as it is only for girls, they pretend to be a gay couple. Their suffering increases when they meet Bella, Aunt Ria's pretty niece, and they start competing with each other until they realize that they should leave Bella to be happy with Ryan, her boyfriend.


  • Laudya Cynthia Bella
  • Rezky Aditya
  • Teuku Wisnu
  • Sarah Sechan

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