The Houseband's Wife (2013)

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The Houseband's Wife

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Titre original :

The Houseband's Wife

Durée :

0h 18min

Date de sortie :

July 2013
Ecrit et réalisé par : Paolo O'Hara

Husband Tonyo and wife Isa, struggling for a better life, were separated when she was forced to work abroad. Tonyo stayed home to take care of the household and their three children. The family managed to keep in touch through Skype, an Internet-based video call system, where they could go on with their lives as if she was never out of the country. She would see the children to school, check on his husband’s errands and one day, even caught his husband keeping someoneelse’s “bra” hanging in their closet.


  • Diana Alferez
  • Paolo O'Hara

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