The Roads That Lead Home (1913)

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The Roads That Lead Home

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Titre original :

The Roads That Lead Home

Durée :

0h 10min

Date de sortie :

January 1913
Réalisé par : Alice Guy-Blaché

Mrs. Hurley is a wealthy old lady who is rather proud of her antecedents. Her son, a young, clean-cut, college-bred man, like other gilded youths, makes the acquaintance of an actress and the inevitable follows. He marries her, much against the commands of his mother. He neglects her for the companionship of a rather smart and fast set in society. The pace they set is rather strong, and after weeks of gambling and dissipation, he finds himself separated from his wife and position. His wife, now burdened with a child, is forced to seek employment.

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