Three miles out (1924)

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Three miles out

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Three miles out

Durée :

1h 0min

Date de sortie :

February 1924
Réalisé par : Irvin Willat

Molly Townsend is on the eve of her marriage to Luis Riccardi, a steamship man who secretly is a bootlegger. She follows John Locke, the man she really loves, on a steamship bound for Rio. He is thrown overboard, leaving her at the mercy of a crew full of bad men. She is nearly their victim when she is rescued by John and her mother. When the police come aboard, the leader of the band reveals the true character of Riccardi, leaving Molly and John happy together.


  • Madge Kennedy
  • Harrison Ford

Commentaires / Notes

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