William the Conqueror: The First Norman King of England (1996)

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William the Conqueror: The First Norman King of England

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Titre original :

William the Conqueror: The First Norman King of England

Durée :

0h 46min

Date de sortie :

June 1996
Réalisé par : Jeremy Freeston
Ecrit par :

It was on the bloody battlefield of Hastings in 1066 that William, Duke of Normandy, defeated and killed the gallant but battle-weary Harold II of England. From that day on, England would never be the same: uprisings in the north were mercilessly crushed and a new ruling class of Norman barons was gradually established. This programme paints a unique portrait of a man who was at once a great warrior and a ruthless poliotician and statesman. Architect of the Domesday book and builder of countless beautiful churches and castles, William the Conqueror's reign truly shaped the future of the nation.


  • Andy Henderson
  • Jamie Maine

Commentaires / Notes

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