Based on a true story, Yoshiko and Yuriko relates the journey and great love affair of Yoshiko, who was a renowned translator of Russian literature and drama, and Yuriko, who was a feminist novelist and great activist of the post-war democratic literature movement. Both have left huge marks on Japanese literary history. The two women shared a strong attraction to each other from their first meeting and enjoyed a powerful love affair. Yoshiko reveals that she's an out lesbian, whilst Yuriko is married (not altogether happily) to a well-known scholar - a situation she can't walk away from with ease.
Commentaires / Notes
Échec lors de la connexion : SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User filmavoimax already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in /home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php:101
Stack trace:
#0 /home/filmavoi/www/film.php(812): fbdd_reqexecuteretres('SELECT Avatar_U...', Array)
#1 {main}
thrown in
/home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php on line