Two beauty consultants, Sun and Aki, have been transferred to a new branch in Shenzhang, to be Branch Managers. At a disco one night, a strange man comes to them and requests that they provide beauty service at his home for his wife. They accept the offer and head to Mr. Cheng's house. When they arrive, however, they find Mrs. Cheng is actually a ghost! Their nightmare begins, as the ghastly couple begin threatening the two girls, and their sinister plan unveils itself
Commentaires / Notes
Échec lors de la connexion : SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User filmavoimax already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in /home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php:101
Stack trace:
#0 /home/filmavoi/www/film.php(812): fbdd_reqexecuteretres('SELECT Avatar_U...', Array)
#1 {main}
thrown in
/home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php on line