Параджанов. Билет в вечность (2018)

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Параджанов. Билет в вечность

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Параджанов. Билет в вечность

Durée :

1h 23min

Date de sortie :

March 2018

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-08-03 07:04:22 Maj film

Documentary about the life of Sergei Parajanov, a prominent Soviet-era filmmaker who was active in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia and was persecuted by the communist government for his views on the pretext of his homosexuality, which was a crime in the USSR. The centerpiece of this documentary is Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, a 1965 movie directed by Parajanov, that awakened the Ukrainian national consciousness which had been suppressed by decades of Soviet rule.


  • Sergei Parajanov
  • Larisa Kadochnikova
  • Marina Vlady

Commentaires / Notes

Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE