A Woman and a Half: Hildegard Knef (2001)

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A Woman and a Half: Hildegard Knef

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

A Woman and a Half: Hildegard Knef

Durée :

1h 30min

Date de sortie :

November 2001

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2023-12-16 21:18:07 Maj film

Hildegard Knef: legendary German film diva. An actress whose personality is as complex as the characters she has played. She is by turns irritable, impatient, charming, humorous, fascinating and enchanting. But behind the many masks is the temperamental woman, the Hildegard Knef who has weathered many of life′s blows: failure in Hollywood, cancer, lost loves, the enmity of the press and, finally, the horror of aging. A Woman and a Half - Hildegard Knef is the portrait of a Knef who has become cynical and unpredictable in order to protect herself, but also a Knef full of warmth, humor and spirit.


  • Hildegard Knef
  • David Cameron
  • Till Brönner

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