Blood Cabin (2012)

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Blood Cabin

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Titre original :

Blood Cabin

Durée :

1h 24min

Date de sortie :

February 2012
Ecrit et réalisé par : Drew Barnhardt

A group of friends take a trip to a remote cabin for their summer vacation. All they want to do is relax and party in this idyllic surrounding. However they picked the wrong cabin in the wrong woods! Their partying attracts the attention of a local neighbour, a sick and twisted psychotic killer who claims the cabin as his own. One by one the friends disappear as they are attacked and slaughtered by this homicidal maniac. What started out at as a fun summer vacation has just turned into a living nightmare and a desperate fight for survival. Stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no one to help them….. if they run, there's nowhere to go but if they stay, they'll become another permanent guest of the BLOOD CABIN.


  • Christine Haeberman
  • Allen Andrews

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