Catalogue Vol. 4 (2016)

Film à voir !
Catalogue Vol. 4

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Catalogue Vol. 4

Durée :

0h 4min

Date de sortie :

October 2016

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-09-10 06:22:45 Maj film

Catalogue is a series of 16mm films and videos that consider the time it takes to look at desirable objects, in this case, the objects for sale in a mainstream furniture catalogue of knockoff designs. Catalogue Vol. 4 takes the “Lighting” catalogue as its subject and uses a pulse of electronic sound and light to rep- resent each fixture, shot in the order that they were found in the original catalogue. The intervals of black were derived by a matter of taste: items that the filmmaker found less appealing were excised from the sequence.

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Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE