Conceiving and Creating the Hellboy Movie Poster Art (2010)

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Conceiving and Creating the Hellboy Movie Poster Art

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Titre original :

Conceiving and Creating the Hellboy Movie Poster Art

Durée :

1h 38min

Date de sortie :

June 2010
Réalisé par : Jim Sanders

For the first time, Drew Struzan opens his studio and welcomes us in. This is the only footage shot that shows his entire process, the same techniques he used to create some of his most iconic posters including: Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Back To The Future, Harry Potter, Walking Dead, and so many more. See him actually working, conceiving, drawing, and painting the original movie poster art for HELLBOY. The master reveals all. Hear him explain how, why, and what he is thinking all along the way.


  • Drew Struzan

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