Gussle, the Golfer (1914)

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Gussle, the Golfer

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Gussle, the Golfer

Durée :

0h 10min

Date de sortie :

December 1914
Réalisé par : Dell Henderson

The ever-disreputable Reggie Gussle, mistreating his caddy and generally making an ass of himself on the golf course, receives a well-deserved golf ball to the noggin, temporarily rendering him disoriented. The offending golfer, Ambrose, and his wife feel terrible about the erring ball; but if they knew what Gussle was capable of, they'd have left him lying on the green. Later, at his social club, Gussle gets thrown out of a card game for cheating. Ambrose, ignorant of the exiting Gussle's dishonesty, greets him warmly before joining the game himself. Gussle suddenly has an idea that will give him revenge on the card players and get rid of Ambrose so that Gussle can make his moves on his gullible friend's beautiful wife.


  • Syd Chaplin
  • Mack Swain

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