Happy Birthday (2021)

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Happy Birthday

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Happy Birthday

Date de sortie :

May 2021
Réalisé par : Prasad Kadam
Ecrit par :

68 years old Parsi man, RATANSHI OSHIDAAR (RATTOO), lives alone in his old but massive house and leads a simple life. But he has a unique profession - he is an AUTOMATIC WRITER And HEALER; someone who communicates with the spirit world. 37 year old BETH ROSE, a Christian single mother, who has recently lost her son to Cancer, ends up reaching out to Rattoo as the last possible way to reach out to her son.


  • Anupam Kher
  • Aahana Kumra

Commentaires / Notes

Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE