映画 すみっコぐらし ツギハギ工場のふしぎなコ (2023)

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映画 すみっコぐらし ツギハギ工場のふしぎなコ

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

映画 すみっコぐらし ツギハギ工場のふしぎなコ

Date de sortie :

November 2023

Collection :

Réalisé par : Hazumu Sakuta
Ecrit par :

At an old factory on the edge of the forest, the Bear Factory Manager invites the Sumikkos to make toys. They make use of what they are good at, and complete their stuffed toys. The Sumikkos are motivated by the praise of the Bear Factory Manager. They have matching uniforms, delicious food, rooms to stay for the job, .and spend their days making one toy after another. Then, the toys that were shipped to Sumikko's town start moving around. There is something "mysterious" about this factory.


  • Manami Honjo

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