The story begins with a comics by Kirei (Nadya Arina) on Toon's web, whose inspiration comes from Wijaya (Donny Damara), a middle-aged man and a customer of her mother's laundry (Ira Wibowo). In a suit that is often laundered by Wijaya there are confusing letters that only Kirei’s mother and Wijaya understand. The comics titled The Story of the Past goes viral in online media. The success of Kirei's comics poses a problem. Bagus, the vocalist of an indie band "Hard Head Band" whose members are Rindu (Rani Ramadhany), Jefry (Indra Jegel), and Sobirin (Jui Purwanto), gets mad because the main character in the comics is his father. Bagus accuses Kirei’s mother of cheap women for being the cause of the crack of his family. To prove that, Kirei and Bagus agree to reveal the truth between Kireii's mother and Bagus's dad. The journey to reveal the secret is not easy because the lack of information.
Voir le casting : Love Reborn: Komik, Musik & Kisah Masa LaluCommentaires / Notes
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