Ni Coupables Ni Victimes (2005)

Film à voir !
Ni Coupables Ni Victimes

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Ni Coupables Ni Victimes

Durée :

0h 38min

Date de sortie :

December 2005

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-06-20 21:23:28 Maj film

"Ni Coupables, ni victimes" ("Not Guilty, Not Victims") is a polyphonic conversation gathering the words of some of the protagonists at the European Conference on Sex Work, Human Rights, Labour and Migration, Brussels (2005). They speak of the complexity and nuances of the sex industry and their lives: the challenges and the struggles of being a sex worker in Europe today, the repressive policies affecting their lives, and the strategies of resistance enabling them to do their work, build their desires and plan their futures.


  • Carol Leigh

Commentaires / Notes

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