Psycho Messiahs (2002)

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Psycho Messiahs

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Titre original :

Psycho Messiahs

Durée :

1h 10min

Date de sortie :

August 2002
Réalisé par : Simon Bisset

System Of A Down exploded onto the music scene in 1998 with an irrepressible sound, confounding all preconceptions and redefining expectations of hard rock. But where did the band come from, what did it take to make them famous and what are the real inspirations behind the music? 'Psycho Messiahs' takes you on a journey into the unknown, revealing the amazing story behind these unique and elusive prophets of sound.


  • Serj Tankian
  • Daron Malakian
  • Shavo Odadjian
  • John Dolmayan
  • Slan Jones

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