Paul Tyson is a loving husband, devoted father and well-respected businessman on the brink of the biggest business deal of his career. And then Julia walks in. Breathtakingly beautiful, Julia is sent to manage the high-stakes buy-out of Paul's company but the relationship goes a bit farther than intended. As the pressures of a crumbling company creep in and intense new feelings abound, wedding vows get put on the back burner and the question arises... Just what is adultery?
Commentaires / Notes
Échec lors de la connexion : SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User filmavoimax already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in /home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php:101
Stack trace:
#0 /home/filmavoi/www/film.php(812): fbdd_reqexecuteretres('SELECT Avatar_U...', Array)
#1 {main}
thrown in
/home/filmavoi/www/fbdd.php on line