Shell Shock (2009)

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Shell Shock

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Shell Shock

Durée :

1h 15min

Date de sortie :

February 2009

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-08-05 19:41:07 Maj film
Ecrit et réalisé par : James Price

Better to be one of the glorious dead than the stranger war turns all men into

Tom was a soldier, a British veteran of an anonymous war from the 1990's. Whilst serving, soldiers under his command were separated from the rest of his patrol and ambushed. His search for them leads him to a traumatized soldier, shaken and confused by something he has seen inside a farm building. Tom enters the building. What happened in there will haunt him forever. He returns a decorated hero but he can't forget.


  • Robert Whitelock
  • Nina Fog
  • Sadao Ueda
  • Haruka Abe
  • Kaya Yuzuki
  • James Hehir

Commentaires / Notes

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