Sweetheart of the Doomed (1917)

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Sweetheart of the Doomed

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Sweetheart of the Doomed

Durée :

0h 50min

Date de sortie :

April 1917

Betrayed by a man when she was a naive young girl, Honore hates all men and takes her revenge on every man she can. When she meets Gen. Durand--the uncle of the man who betrayed her--she sees a chance to ruin his whole family. Durand falls in love with her and proposes, and she sees her plan for revenge about to come to fruition. Then she falls for a young French soldier who knows nothing about her past. Complications ensue.


  • Louise Glaum
  • Charles Gunn
  • Tom Guise
  • Roy Laidlaw

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