The Cinema Travellers (2016)

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The Cinema Travellers

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

The Cinema Travellers

Durée :

1h 36min

Date de sortie :

May 2016

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-10-28 11:50:00 Maj film

Showmen riding cinema lorries have brought the wonder of the movies to faraway villages in India once every year. Seven decades on, as their cinema projectors crumble and film reels become scarce, their patrons are lured by slick digital technology. A benevolent showman, a shrewd exhibitor and a maverick projector mechanic bear a beautiful burden - to keep the last traveling cinemas of the world running. A critically acclaimed, poignant documentary that celebrates India’s travelling picture shows and laments their demise, filled with exquisite visuals and marvellous eccentrics.

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