The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine (1915)

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The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine

Durée :

0h 11min

Date de sortie :

May 1915

Collection :

The Hazards of Helen
Réalisé par : J.P. McGowan, Helen Holmes
Ecrit par :

Helen, informed of the danger which menaces an excursion train because another engine on the same track is running wild, mounts a motorcycle and speeds down the track to warn the passengers of their imminent peril. Nearing a river trestle under repair, she hurtles into the river; undaunted, she swims to the opposite bank and flags down the excursion train in the nick of time, causing the engineer to run his train onto a siding just a few moments before the runaway dashes by.


  • Helen Holmes
  • Leo D. Maloney
  • Rex Downs
  • Jack Hoxie
  • Hoot Gibson

Commentaires / Notes

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