The Toss of a Coin (1911)

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The Toss of a Coin

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

The Toss of a Coin

Durée :

0h 10min

Date de sortie :

August 1911
Réalisé par : Thomas H. Ince

A lost film. Dan Gardner, a young man, is down and out. Arrested as a tramp, he is thrown into jail. He is released with but a single coin in his pocket. Arriving at a bridge, he gazes into the water and his thoughts turn to suicide. He reaches in his pocket, extracts the coin and flips it up. Heads he dies and tails he lives. Farmer Barton, drives onto the scene keen to hire a man to assist him in his farm work. Dan is more than anxious to secure employment and accompanies the kind-hearted farmer home. Alice Barton is the farmer's daughter, and while working on the farm Dan begins to fall in love.


  • Mary Pickford
  • Irvin Willat

Commentaires / Notes

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