Tobacco Barns Light Studies (2020)

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Tobacco Barns Light Studies

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Tobacco Barns Light Studies

Durée :

0h 2min

Date de sortie :

September 2020

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-09-07 16:52:01 Maj film
Réalisé par : Rocio Mesa

The tobacco plant was introduced to Granada (Southern Spain) in 1923. It became a monoculture in the region until the end of the century. When the tobacco production stopped being profitable, the farmers switched to new crops like wheat, corn or asparagus. However, the lands of Granada are still replete with tobacco barns: large empty houses where the leaves used to be hanged to dry. They inhabit the landscape like architectural ghosts.

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Copiryght 2015-2024 - ❤ - TECHNICAL BLUE