Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys (2008)

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Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys

Infos supplémentaires

Titre original :

Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys

Durée :

1h 0min

Date de sortie :

December 2008

Collection :

Trailer Park Boys
Ecrit et réalisé par : Mike Clattenburg

"Say goodnight to the bad guys" picks up where "A Sh*t river runs through it" left off. it's a year after the events of A.S.R.R.T.I and Ricky, Julian, and bubbles are rich with cash, but Julian sits on the money for a year claiming "movies like casino prove that waving money around right away is a bad idea." and then hides it in his newly purchased Delorean (AKA car from back to the future)


  • John Paul Tremblay
  • Robb Wells
  • Mike Smith
  • John Dunsworth
  • Patrick Roach
  • Lucy Decoutere
  • Sarah Dunsworth
  • Barrie Dunn
  • Jeanna Harrison
  • Shelley Thompson
  • Tyrone Parsons
  • Jonathan Torrens
  • Bernard Robichaud
  • Richard Collins
  • Jacob Rolfe

Commentaires / Notes

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