Underground U.S.A. (1980)

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Underground U.S.A.

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Titre original :

Underground U.S.A.

Durée :

1h 25min

Date de sortie :

November 1980

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-06-16 14:55:11 Maj film
Ecrit et réalisé par : Eric Mitchell

The end of a superstar.

The Sunset Blvd. of underground cinema, and a suitably ambivalent retrospect on the star-game casualties of New York's upper depths, with Patti Astor statuesquely hysterical as a 20-year-old Norma Desmond, made up to recall Edie Sedgwick and surrounded by Warhol's lost children. We've been here before, but without the hindsight: a camera cruise along a hustler's meat-rack, kitchen-talk over cold canned spaghetti, Taylor Mead grimacing in a spastic dance, the silent stud a sullenly passive observer. Mitchell's ear for campy native wit and eye for figures in a loft-scape happily keep at bay the otherwise contagious NY ennui.


  • Patti Astor
  • Tom Wright
  • Eric Mitchell
  • Jackie Curtis
  • Cookie Mueller
  • Taylor Mead
  • John Lurie

Commentaires / Notes

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