Vor meiner Zeit (2001)

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Vor meiner Zeit

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Titre original :

Vor meiner Zeit

Date de sortie :

March 2001

Dernière mise à jour de la fiche :

2024-06-21 13:13:43 Maj film
Réalisé par : Manfred Stelzer

As soon as Walter (Ingo Naujoks) meets Anne (NADESHDA BRENNICKE) he is totally overwhelmed. He leaves his wife and daughter immediately and marries his new dream girl. When he was watching a film one day in which Anne plays a roll, he begins to doubt his ideal image of her and he becomes obsessed with the past of his new wife


  • Ingo Naujoks
  • Nadeshda Brennicke
  • Jan-Gregor Kremp
  • Sharon Brauner
  • Katharina Meinecke

Commentaires / Notes

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